Sujet : Ratchet and Clank: Full Frontal Assault (NEW GAME)

Yeah, It came out in Holland today, but I don't have time to go to the store today, so I'm playing it tomorrow afternoon.

How does the weapon system in single player actually work? do you get to keep your weapons, are upgrades permanent? is there such a thing as a 'final upgrade' (bouncer->heavy bouncer, combuster->heavy combuster, lava gun->meteor/liquid nitrogen gun)

Hailz yes!!

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Arrgh! Nobody say too much Amazon dispatched mine today! Should turn up sometime before Monday

Arrgh! Nobody say too much Amazon dispatched mine today! Should turn up sometime before Monday

I'm just gonna say that its great! But I had to do 4 updates, on which one just came out of nowhere when I were playing the, which made me skip it by excident adn I can't rewatch it emoji

Also an extra 'plus' for Richard Horvitz being the voice of the main villianemoji

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Im getting it soon cant wait emoji

If anyone wants to join me in the campaign, my psn id is danvphoto

I got it today, but I can play on tomorrow. I've made it to the GrummelNet Plasma Harvester, and the game is GREAT!

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Cool emoji

Damn, my PS3 is frozen because of the action on screen, just at the very end of the stage. I guess I'm gonna have to start over…

And what is this anyway? I thought this crap didn't happen anymore since the NES. Too much action for the system to handle. C'mone… its 2012!

Damn, my PS3 is frozen because of the action on screen, just at the very end of the stage. I guess I'm gonna have to start over…

And what is this anyway? I thought this crap didn't happen anymore since the NES. Too much action for the system to handle. C'mone… its 2012!

Are you saying that's the first time you've had the screen get overloaded with action on your PlayStation!?

It use to happen to PS2 games quite a bit, you'd be playing and there would be too much epicness and everything would slow way down.

But PS3's get it worse in my experience. My original fat PS3 use to freeze up every now and then, and the slims don't seem to improve on it much at all. I'm always (one a week at least) having the game freeze and I have to restart the system, or quit the game (which will result in restarting the system) it's really annoying, because I know it's bad. PS3's seem to break down REALLY early in their lifespan. I've gone through plenty. Compare it to PS2. I still have my original PS2 from about 2007, whereas my latest PS3 hasn't lasted 2 years…

Technology is getting better, but it's racing ahead of itself and the tech isn't very well balanced, so they die early.

Erm, yes. First timeemoji
I think I'm gonna have to say sorry to my PS3 now. Luckly FFA has a auto-save checkpoint system!

I just finished, what I think is, the stage before the last. It took me about 2 hours to destoy all those overpowered machines with my base covered in Warmongers only. That'll show 'em.

Damn, my PS3 is frozen because of the action on screen, just at the very end of the stage. I guess I'm gonna have to start over…

And what is this anyway? I thought this crap didn't happen anymore since the NES. Too much action for the system to handle. C'mone… its 2012!

I think what happens, cos I've had this alot with the old phat and the slim, is the massive fan at the back sucks in loads of air, along with loads of dust and stuff which then builds up till the PS3 overheats. I did take my old 80gb apart, hoovered it out, put new heatsink compound on and put it back together. It worked ok for another 6-12 months.

Back on FFA, it's a great game, really getting into the tower defense but the speed runs are trickyemoji

Anyone else who found the Trololo easter?
If you don't understand:

When the Starship Phoenix is destroyed the song is played on the intercom!

I checke it up and if i remeber right so were this game announced in july… which in the same month Eduard Khil (The singer in Trololo) died… So i think they added it to honour him… so: AWESOME!

Anyone else who found the Trololo easter?
If you don't understand:

When the Starship Phoenix is destroyed the song is played on the intercom!

Yeah, I was like 'They did not!'. It made me laugh really hard though. ''I think I got somesorta virus' xD

Suw, I just finished QForce and I think it has the best final boss in Ratchet history imo. Now I wanna do this without spoilers, but not sure if its gonna work, if it didn't work out I would have put a 'spoiler alert' above. I think QForce is a fun little game, but that is about where it stops. Ik played because its Ratchet and not because I thought it was fantastic. The last level I liked best because it wasn't a tower defence stage, but just going from point A to B. And yes, the last stage is my favorite part of the whole game. Tower Defense is nog for me. Good for a short game I surpose, but next time I'd like to see something different emoji

So now I'm done with this, I'm gonna play PS AllStars again ^^